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Weight Loss Medications – Yes, You Can Take Them! (Part 1)

One would assume that a problem like terrorism would be the end of our world, but NO! People’s lives are at stake because of excessive weight. According to CDC, 42.4% of America’s population battled with obesity in the years 2017 and 2018. The numbers have only risen from there onwards.

The American Heart Association (AHA) reported that currently, 83% of men and 72% of women fall in the obese category. If these rates continue to climb then by the end of this year, most of the people living in America will either have pre-diabetes or diabetes.

What’s the Point, Doc?

Everyone struggles with losing weight. Efforts such as maintaining a balanced diet and exercising don’t always pay off. Even if you do lose a few inches and the scale shows your desired numbers, you gain back most of the weight after a few months.

This weight gain occurs due to your hormones that regulate metabolism and appetite. You feel less satiated and you eat more. It’s a vicious cycle that disappoints you again and again, and again.

The answer ― weight loss medications!

Healthy eating and exercising cannot battle the effects of this appetite increasing hormone. You need something stronger and powerful to shed that baby fat, which you can achieve by popping some pills. We don’t mean to sound so cavalier but since weight loss medications in Bergen County have always been considered an undesirable approach to losing weight, we want to make sure that you fully understand their benefits.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Now that we have established that it is completely fine to take weight loss medications, let’s talk about lifestyle changes you will have to make in order to make sure the pills work.

Your weight loss program should include the following:

It can be a little difficult to count calories for your meal, which is why you should consult a dietician. Lose weight with Dr. Panagiotou in New Jersey by getting a customized meal plan. Remember – sticking to your diet is more important than its makeup. So, eat sensibly and stick to it for a long time for better results.

Next up is physical activity. Dedicating 20 minutes from your everyday routine to a little exercise will not only help you lose weight, but will also strengthen your muscles. Your physical activity plan should include intense workout. Here are some suggestions:

The last two things that are equally important include getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep and reducing stress. A doctor such as Dr. Panagiotou in New Jersey will assist you with this as well. All you have to do is keep up with your plan and you can take weight loss medications in the short-term, as well as long-term.

Weight loss medications are for people with a BMI above 27 kg/m2 and having at least one medical condition such as abnormal blood lipids, high blood pressure or diabetes. Depending on your medical history, you cannot and should not take over-the-counter weight loss pills.

Lose weight with Dr. Panagiotou the proper way by using weight loss medications. Providing his services in New Jersey and Bergen County, Dr. Panagiotou has been helping people achieve their desired weight goal for decades. He’s a big advocate of weight loss medications and recommends them to people who have had trouble on their weight loss journey.

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